Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Ups and Down of Life...

We live in our cosy homes, engrossed in our little homely problems, comparing with other people, making ourselves more miserable and feeling we have many problems.

We are so busy in our turmoil of our brain, we flit through our daily business, only thing we see is who's and what’s better than us and feel more miserable.

IF only we stopped and looked...
the people whom we are jealous of might be the ones who envied us!!!

But we don't Look...
We see the Beggar whom we pass daily but we don't look at him.

What do we decipher when we say lovelife... ;)

Ha Ha Ha.... I know you will all say what a stupid questions and sooo out of context...
Well ... Not Really ... well check out the website -

Does that make some reality seep in... We are so busy in our lives we forget to look around... Its jarring to see what lovelife could mean to a group of youngsters and what to another set... The site trying to tell them to Love Their Lives. Its also a Parody how one known act of love could create so much damage.

Its strange how time is such a funny thing, sometimes its just too short and just not enough and sometimes so long it just doesn't move.
I sometimes wonder how good is the technology we have existing to measure time? :) ...

Well Doesn't seem consistent most of the time. It just makes me think.. maybe our mind really is the most supreme of all. It can stall time when it feels and rush it up just the same. Or Maybe the time has a brain of it own and likes to play tricks with us... hurrying up when we want it to slow and slowing down and last forever when wish it was over... LOL...