Monday, June 7, 2010

Tart_ly Journey

The journey through life is sometimes so fluid and flexible that you feel that delicious feeling all through and sometimes just as crumbly and hard.

Well and most of the times you get both the things together the hard and the soft...


Just like eating a cream tart.

You lick the cream, and bite into the hard crust...

Most people live through grumbling, 'I can’t even enjoy the good part cause the troubles are right at the back of my mind.' Well it’s all in the brain!

You do enjoy the tart when you bite in and get both the crust and the creams together, don’t you?

Just imagine, if you lick only the cream off... you would feel the really bloated full feeling like Oh God! No more please!

That’s what it’s with experiences and events of life too.

I just remembered a saying from childhood, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' Isn’t it true that all play and no work will also make Jack a dull boy?

Its always combination of things which makes something Fabulous.

So why do we expect that life should be full of only good things? It’s this very expectation that stops people from enjoying the experiences that life puts before them.

Just in the search for the absolute perfect picture... which even they don’t know what it is, they just flit through life thinking, 'we didn’t get the best, we were unlucky!'

Lucky... is how you see things...

Well who is lucky, a child of a beggar rolling in mud, Giggling... Or, a child in a mall screaming at the top of the lungs cause he wants some silly toy, which his mother thinks he has many of lying at home?

If you can train to smile in pain, that’s Lucky!!!

That’s what makes you appreciate the good parts of life...

P.S. Lets not forget the cherry on top, The people around us who give us support and strength and reason for all this.


dolly raj singh said...

Its just amazing how God gifts some people with a vision and thought and a power of expression which helps others to relate with the realities of life and make living easy in a complex world!!!

Shalini said...

love it love it love it!!

Gul Basantani said...

Very nice thought...